The main advantage of performing the diagnostics using an electric scooter and the ASPEN system is speed, simplicity and reliability. We carried out the measurements on the road network in Groß-Gerau in less than a week!
With ASPEN, we not only depicted the current state of the pavement, but also identified the sections in need of maintenance and their urgency. Thanks to the use of the OnKo3 system, the municipal management gained a quick and easy overview of the collected data.
The results of the measurements taken and the evaluation in the form of a structured expert opinion will be able to be used by the municipality of Groß-Gerau for planning and forecasting maintenance budgets and for drawing up a list of priorities for the construction of roads, pavements and cycle paths, enabling it to make targeted renovation decisions.
Hard arguments in the form of numbers and statistical analysis will be helpful in budget negotiations and for investment decisions. An objective assessment of the condition and maintenance strategy has a positive impact on the image of the town and public opinion.
The measurements in Groß-Gerau were covered in the German press.